Vinnustofur & Viðburðir
Skills of Assisting
Workshop with Alice Riccardi - May 16th-19th
Iceland Power Yoga's Assisting Course will introduce you to the tools necessary to effectively assist students in a power yoga class as well as enhance and transform your understanding of your personal practice and teaching.
In this course you will learn the basic skills of assisting and their relationship to True North Alignment. You will also learn how to assist students in the Journey into Power sequence utilizing the Baptiste Methodology as a base. From this platform, you will experience a new relationship to connecting with others and what it means to be of service.
In this course you will learn the foundational aspects of assisting along with:
-A clearer understanding of “being in your body” in your personal practice
-An assist for each pose in the JIP sequence
-3 qualitative types of assists: Directional, Stabilizing and Deepening
-How your experience of True North alignment can translate into effective and dynamic assists
-The ability to assist a full JIP practice
This course is for you if you’d like to access a greater understanding of your own practice as well as wanting to be a hands-on assistant in class. If you are already assisting, this course will bring you to the next level of your skills as an established classroom assistant.
54.900 kr.
(Sign up before April 15th)
49.900 kr.
Sign up: Send an e-mail with your name and phone number to
Thursday: 18:00-21:00
Friday: 17:00-21:00
Saturday: 8:00-17:30 (break for lunch from 10:45-12:30 on Saturday and Sunday and taking the Community Class on Saturday and/or assisting)
Sunday: 8:00-17:00
Your 100% participation in the program will result in receiving the promise of the course. You can expect to practice the entire JIP sequence and/or sections of the sequence over the course of the weekend. The course will also include hands-on assisting, group discussions, partner work, and personal movement exercises to enhance body awareness.There are no refunds for this course and no make up sessions.Not required but recommended to have practiced Baptiste Yoga and the Journey into Power sequence for 3 months as a foundation for your experience.
Skills of Assisting
Workshop with Alice Riccardi - May 16th-19th
Iceland Power Yoga's Assisting Course will introduce you to the tools necessary to effectively assist students in a power yoga class as well as enhance and transform your understanding of your personal practice and teaching.
In this course you will learn the basic skills of assisting and their relationship to True North Alignment. You will also learn how to assist students in the Journey into Power sequence utilizing the Baptiste Methodology as a base. From this platform, you will experience a new relationship to connecting with others and what it means to be of service.
In this course you will learn the foundational aspects of assisting along with:
-A clearer understanding of “being in your body” in your personal practice
-An assist for each pose in the JIP sequence
-3 qualitative types of assists: Directional, Stabilizing and Deepening
-How your experience of True North alignment can translate into effective and dynamic assists
-The ability to assist a full JIP practice
This course is for you if you’d like to access a greater understanding of your own practice as well as wanting to be a hands-on assistant in class. If you are already assisting, this course will bring you to the next level of your skills as an established classroom assistant.
54.900 kr.
(Sign up before April 15th)
49.900 kr.
Sign up: Send an e-mail with your name and phone number to
Thursday: 18:00-21:00
Friday: 17:00-21:00
Saturday: 8:00-17:30 (break for lunch from 10:45-12:30 on Saturday and Sunday and taking the Community Class on Saturday and/or assisting)
Sunday: 8:00-17:00
Your 100% participation in the program will result in receiving the promise of the course. You can expect to practice the entire JIP sequence and/or sections of the sequence over the course of the weekend. The course will also include hands-on assisting, group discussions, partner work, and personal movement exercises to enhance body awareness.There are no refunds for this course and no make up sessions.Not required but recommended to have practiced Baptiste Yoga and the Journey into Power sequence for 3 months as a foundation for your experience.
9. - 10. mars 2019
Vinnustofur í Hand- og höfuðstöðum og
réttri líkamsbeitingu í jóga - True North Alignment
Gestakennari Krystal Say - Certified Baptiste teacher
Lestu meira um Krystal hér
17. febrúar 2019
Breyttur lífstíll - Námskeið - 40 Days to Personal Revolution
4. febrúar - 11. mars 2019
HEFST 15. janúar!
Ekki spyrja þig "af hverju" - spurðu þig frekar "af hverju EKKI?"
Hvað er 30 daga jóga-áskorun? - Jú við skorum á þig að mæta í jóga 30 daga í röð eða frá 15. janúar til 13. febrúar. Þú einfaldlega skráir þig með því að svara þessum pósti, mætir á dýnuna daglega í 30 daga og við merkjum svo við þig - svo þú getir fylgst með.
Að lokum færðu verðlaun að viðurkenningu ef þú klárar 30 dagana - en að sjálfsögðu eru AÐAL-verðlaunin að hafa klárað ÁSKORUNINA og dagana 30😊
✨"PEPP"- fundur ✨
(EKKI skyldumæting fyrir þáttakendur)
Þriðjudaginn 15. janúar
kl. 19:05 - 19:35 í Holtasmára 1
(strax eftir 18:00 tímann)
Á fundinum verður farið yfir:
Reglur og spurningar
Helstu hindranir og hvatningu
Facebook síða - Aðgangur hér
Þinn ásetningur - tilgangur
Hvað viltu fá út úr þessu?
Hvað óttastu mest?
Þegar þú tekur ákvörðun um að mæta á dýnuna þína daglega í 30 daga, þá ertu búin að setja þér markmið sem á eftir að dýpka jógaæfinguna þína og lyfta þér upp á hærra plan bæði líkamlega og andlega.
Við hjá Iceland Power Yoga ætlum að hvetja þig og styðja við þig í gegnum þessa áskorun. Það er eitt að takast á við áskorun einn á báti en allt annað að gera það í samfélagi með öðrum.
Sýndu sjálfum þér að ALLT ER HÆGT -
ef ÁSETNINGURINN er skýr og VILJINN er til staðar!
Vertu með og taktu þátt á Facebook og Instagram:
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Kennari: Inga Hrönn Kristjánsdóttir
Verð: Kostar ekkert að vera með!
Skráðu þig með því að svara þessum pósti eða sendu póst á
Foundations of Flow
Vinnustofa í grunnatriðum Baptiste flæði
19. janúar
Tími: kl. 13:00 - 15:00
Kennari: Alice Riccardi
Verð 7.900 kr.
"Without a solid foundation, you'll have trouble creating anything of value"
- Erika Oppenheimer
Þessi vinnustofa er fyrir þá sem vilja kynnast grunnstöðunum í Baptiste flæðinu enn betur. Við munum brjóta niður sólarhyllingar A og B og fara vel í eftirfarandi stöður eins og þær eru kenndar í Baptiste flæðinu:
Farið verður yfir aðlaganir og hvernig hægt er að nálgast stöðurnar með heilbrigðum hætti til að byggja upp styrk og liðleika. Nemendur fá tækifæri til að spyrja spurninga og vinna beint með kennaranum til að öðlast betri þekkingu á stöðunum og fá greiðari aðgang að jóga-flæðinu.
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